BrowserShots: Test your web design in different browsers

While working on a project with one of the freelance designer, i learnt an important fact; testing web design on multiple browsers is a challenge for many freelance designers and developers. This led me to think about a solution and found BrowserShots.

Browsershots makes screenshots of your web design in different browsers. It is a free open-source online service created by Johann C. Rocholl. When you submit your web address, it will be added to the job queue. A number of distributed computers will open your website in their browser. Then they will make screenshots and upload them to the central server here.

Browsershots generates snapshots of your webdesign in Multiple browsers.

Once you submit the URL to be tested, your newly created job shall be added to a queue which will then generate all the selected browser snapshots. A group of thumbnails is displayed when the job is executed.

Browsershots supports Firefox 3 (on Linux and Windows) and IE 8.

Also read: Mozilla Firefox: Get the data from your Cache

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