Top 5 Tutorials on Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is a new kid in the block into the world of Web application development that is rapidly gaining interest, even though it is in beta versions. These days, I am trying to get my hands dirty with Ruby on Rails using various tutorial posts and also some books. Over the coming days, i will try to share my learnings with you through the blog.

Ruby On Rails

Below, in this post, I am putting up a list of Top 5 Tutorials to get you started on Ruby on Rails (RoR). These are infact tutorials, i am going through in order to learn RoR.

  1. Ruby on Rails Tutorial for Newbies: This tutorial is a basic tutorial targeting the newbies in RoR arena.
  2. OnLamp’s Tutorial-Rolling with Ruby on Rails: Author Curt Hibbs has given an excellent post on RoR in his tutorial. Check it out, it a must to read tutorial.
  3. Rolling with Ruby on Rails, Part 2: Second part of the Tutorial by Curt Hibbs
  4. OnLamp’s Tutorial -Ajax on Rails: Author Curt Hibbs in again another useful tutorial introduces the incredibly easy-to-use Ajax support that is part of the Ruby on Rails web application framework.
  5. Fast-track your Web apps with Ruby on Rails: IBM Developerworks tutorial on Ruby on Rails.

Hope you have a good time reading. Do share your own findings and learning links as well.



6 Responses

  1. I have written a blog post about my ruby on rails learning curve about a month back titled Ruby on Rails learninig curve

    do check it out .. these days I am trying to learn how to optimize … ruby on rails is very easy to start of with .. but scaling up is a challenge

    Prateek Dayal

  2. Thanks Bala for the links.

    @Prateek: Thanks for that useful link. Although, i have read it before, i am sure other reader would certainly love it.


  3. thanks to share with us.

  4. […] Sean P. Aune wrote an interesting post today!.Here’s a quick excerptBelow, in this post, I am putting up a list of Top 5 Tutorials to get you started on Ruby on Rails (RoR). These are infact tutorials, i am going through in order to learn RoR. Ruby on Rails Tutorial for Newbies: This tutorial is a basic … […]

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